Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Attempts at Art

These are some of my recent pictures using MS Paint(http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/MS_Paint). The one above is called " And the Cow jumped over the Moon".

This is titled 'Cosmic Dance'. A stylized Nataraja.

This is 'Kalan Pillayum Pothum Pashavum'.



This is 'the technical brilliance of stars 4'. The title alludes to the fact that this is a more or less 'technical' drawing, which involves more of algorithms than artistry. '4' is this picture's serial number in the series 'the technical brilliance of stars'.

'the technical brilliance of stars 8'

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Footpaths and Highways

"The single biggest difference between the infrastructure of an advanced nation and a backward nation is its footpaths, not its highways", says the former Mayor of Bogota, Colombia in the Hindu dated 22 Nov
2009(http://www.hindu.com/2009/11/22/stories/2009112260561800.htm). I agree.

With all the hullaballoo about road widening and developement( which doesn't materialize, either), the footpaths of Trivandrum have reached a state of no-return. One may find, sporadically, a few bits of pavement here and there, that's all. The rest of the roadside is a dusty stretch which turns into a muddy stretch for half the year, when it rains. One just needs to walk from Statue to East Fort to see the point.I guess it's pointless to expect things to change, since our decision makers or the people who can wield any influence in the decision making process do not use pavements or public transit, and hence will never see or experience the difficulty.

Monday, November 2, 2009

About me(1)

I am a male, twenty-something, unemployed Indian engineer who loves masala dosa.
I think i can write. But i don't know what. Maybe it's poetry.Maybe it's something else. I have written one novel which was read by some five people. It will never be published. I have no achievements, no monuments to my name. I am anonymous, invisible. I can travel everywhere yet i travel nowhere. I am trapped in my own head. I am trapped inside the letter 'I'.