Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Vacuum shaped like You

You are gone and now all i have
to caress is the vacuum.

Thanks to physics i know
that a vacuum is never really empty
But things keep popping in and out,
Small things like atoms, electrons,
and sometimes big things,
like universes and universities.

I know the chances are small,
(i did take a probability course once)
but i keep hoping that one day
from that vacuum you left behind,
You will pop up again
And surprise me.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Length of my Penis and other concerns

Of late I have been getting a spam mail that promises to increase the length of my penis by four inches. Now I never asked for this in the first place. One must learn to be satisfied with what one has.:-) But the mail comes again and again, alongwith another one about a 25% discount on Viagra. These are, I guess indicative of my demographic. Indian males of my age who have little ( read no ) sexual activity have all these crazy things to worry about. Of course, size is a major male concern across the world, irrespective of country. Of late, the advent of the internet and internet porn has further heightened this. The well endowed gentlemen who appear in this branch of the fine arts often are too well endowed, much to the chagrin of many of the viewers.

Why all this fuss? Penis length, for some, symbolises virility and ultimate maleness. For them, the more of a snake that you have in your trousers, the more of a man you are. However, this is quite a recent phenomenon. In the classical age, in Europe, smaller genitals were considered to be better. One only needs to look at the multitude of statues in marble and stone to study the disproportionately small genitalia of the subjects. Michelangelo's David, for instance. Large frontal parts were considered unrefined and animal. Of late, however, we have returned to and accepted our animal roots. :-)

The word penis is another curiosity. In its Latin root it simply means tail. It started off as a euphemism, a substitute for a word that people were too uncomfortable saying aloud. What the original word was, no one knows. But then, how many people know that? The substitute is now as good as the word - or rather, it is the word.

So why did I write this piece? Three reasons:
1. The mails were so irritating that i wanted to scream.
2. Just for fun, for shocking friends.
3. I just wanted to see how many hits Google will bring me after this. i.e, a short social experiment.
