Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Alvida, Maqbool Fida!!

Ending years of exile from India, Maqbool Fida Hussain finds a home in Qatar. It is sad that a 95 year old cannot return to the place of his birth. It is sad that India is not a country of free speech. It is sad that nobody stands up for him. It is frightening that people like Mohan Bhagwat determine what is Indian, and what is not.

Do Gods wear clothes? I do not think so.


The King said...

athenthaade??? avide thayyalkkaarille????

bimbisara said...

I wonder why they need to cover their nudity. After all, if they are gods, what have they to be ashamed of?

The King said...

well, say.. if you are a God and abhishek bachchan and Aishwarya roy are also gods... would you want to be naked in front of them?? you would scamper for cover, ryt??

bimbisara said...

what is so bad about being naked? maybe it is not a pleasant sight, for whatever reason, but isn't that what you really are?

shame is another thing. why mix them up? i think i was talking about gods not mortals.